For magazine photography, outdoor wedding photography, outdoor advertising photography, the outdoor location shooting often in remote areas while the AC power is not available that caused great inconvenience. Photographers eager for a product (power), can power lighting, fans and printers and other equipment to use anywhere like used indoor. So, how to achieve this requirement?
The Leadpower LP-750 Portable AC Power Inverter is the perfect solution for overcome above difficulties!
Leadpower LP-750 Portable Power inverter is a portable power supply designed to power flash and power pack units for location shoots. Compared to other inverters, it is suitable for flash and lighting under any brand without any alteration. Served with LP-750 Portab le Power Inverter, your studio flash is able to be operated in a studio with AC power supply, and also plays its portability to be used in location shooting.
For lap-tops, Video and mobiles etc, it is also the ideal solution of outdoor AC power supply and indoor emergency supply. LP-750 Portable Power Inverter makes AC power everywhere possible.
The input of “Leadpower” LP-750 is DC 12V and output is AC 230V .It is suitable for the lighting and household applicants with maximum power 750WS. The built-in battery is rechargeable 9A 13.2V NI-MH battery. The inverter comes with a cathode & node joint seat, by which other 12V external power supply like car battery, storage battery, can be connected to the inverter.